As a man thinketh summary

As a gem in the self-help and personal development genre, As a Man Thinketh by James Allen remains a notable influence today. Allen conveys that we have the capability to shape our life, environment, and destiny through our thoughts. The core proposition of As a Man Thinketh is the powerful belief that man is the product of his thoughts.




The Power of Thought

We often underestimate the power that emanates from our thoughts. However, the premise of Allen’s teaching is that our thoughts:

  • Mold our character: Like a sculptor shapes clay, our thoughts shape who we are and who we can become.
  • Influence our surroundings: Our thoughts impact our environment and personal circumstances. This belief reinforces the correlation between our internal and external life.
  • Sow the seeds for future events: Every thought is a cause that produces a consequent effect in our lives.

Positive thoughts foster growth and abundance, while negative thoughts often result in lack and limitation. This concept aligns with the popular current understanding of the Law of Attraction.


Cause and Effect of Thoughts

Firmly embedded within As a Man Thinketh is the assertion that there is a law of cause and effect that pertains to our thoughts. This law forms the foundation of our existence and is displayed in various forms such as:

  • Reaping what you sow: Implementing thoughts of success and prosperity allows us to experience these qualities in our lives. Conversely, letting negative thoughts dominate invites unfavorable outcomes.
  • The boomerang effect: Every positive or negative effect in our life can be traced back to positive or negative thoughts. Hence, like a boomerang, our thoughts bring back corresponding results.


Circumstances and Character

How our thoughts shape our circumstances and character can be seen vividly in our daily life. Throughout his book, Allen emphasizes:

  • The role of determination and perseverance: These qualities play a crucial part in overcoming negative circumstances and can be cultivated through the power of thought.

Are our circumstances the result of fate or of our own actions? The message conveyed in As a Man Thinketh presents the latter scenario, urging readers to accept personal responsibility for their circumstances through control of their thoughts.

Health and the Body

The mind-body connection is a strong indication that our thoughts significantly influence our physical health.

  • Our thoughts and mental states can trigger, aggravate, or lessen physical ailments. Stress, for example, can lead to physical complications like Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure. This exhibits the consequences of negative thinking on our bodies.
  • Conversely, adopting positive thinking can enhance our mental health, leading to physical wellness. Optimistic, joyous thoughts can create a cascade of positive feelings that boost the immune system and promote healthiness.
  • By improving our thought patterns, we can attain better health. This requires a conscious effort to dismiss negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.


Purpose and Ideals

Having a purpose is a powerful tool in shaping positive thinking.

  • Our purpose forms the path we intend to walk, directing our thoughts. When we have clear ideals, they act as a compass guiding us towards our goals and generating positive thoughts in the process.
  • Ideals give us a framework for our actions, streamlining our thoughts towards achieving our purpose.


The Joy and Meaning of Work

Thoughts play an essential role in how we perceive and appreciate our work.

  • Believing in the value of our work contributes to our overall satisfaction. This perception emanates from our thoughts.
  • Finding joy and meaning in our work begins from a place of positive thinking. It allows us to view challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles.


Serenity and Peace

How peaceful and serene we feel is directly correlated with our thoughts.

  • Positive thoughts breed serenity. They help us maintain tranquility even in the face of adversity, giving us the clarity to find solutions without the cloud of panic or stress.
  • The cultivation of positive thoughts leads to inner peace, contentment, and overall mental well-being.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is James Allen?

James Allen was a British author and philosopher known for his inspirational writings. He is best known for his book As a Man Thinketh, which is a classic in the self-help genre.


What is the main theme of As a Man Thinketh?

The main theme of the book is the power of thoughts and how they shape our lives. It emphasizes the idea that our thoughts determine our actions, character, and ultimately our destiny.


How does the concept of cause and effect apply to thoughts in the book?

The book explores the law of cause and effect in relation to thoughts, highlighting how our thoughts create our reality and influence our circumstances. It stresses the importance of positive thinking for positive outcomes.


Can changing our thoughts improve our health and well-being?

Yes, the book suggests that changing our thoughts can have a profound impact on our health and overall well-being. By cultivating positive thoughts, we can improve our mental and physical health.


What role do purpose and ideals play in shaping our thoughts according to the book?

Having a clear purpose and ideals helps align our thoughts toward positive outcomes. They serve as guiding principles that motivate us to think and act in ways that lead to personal growth and success.


How can one achieve serenity and peace by controlling one’s thoughts?

The book emphasizes the importance of cultivating positive thoughts to achieve inner peace and serenity. By controlling our thoughts and focusing on positive aspects of life, we can experience a sense of calm and harmony.



As a Man Thinketh, reminds readers of the potent power of thoughts. Each pattern of thought, positive or negative, has a specific consequence on our actions, health, ideals, work, and peace.

The value in controlling our thoughts is immeasurable. It paves the way for us to lead fulfilled lives, to find pleasure and purpose in our work, maintain our health, foster resilience, and above all, cultivate peace within ourselves.

Take control of your thoughts and the ripple effect will change your life.

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