



The day I turned 40, I mentally replayed the years gone by. Aghast, I realised, I had spent most of my life in role-play… of a daughter, sister, student, friend, wife, daughter-in-law and mother. I no longer recognised who I was or what I wanted. I was merely engrossed in playing all these parts to perfection. So the questions arose,” What now? Who am I? Is this how I want to be remembered? “ The search for the answers helped me create my new identity - one which I am proud of because it is not modelled on any role.

A curve of the lips Outwards Reaching out To all in sight Setting their day bright Like a morning bloom A smile sets the tone For many meetings... It acts as an acknowledgment, A greeting and often, An ice-breaker. The innocent smile of an infant; The mischievous smile of a teenager; The all-knowing smile of a parent; The flirtatious smile of a lover; The cynical smile of a rival; The genuine smile of a cheerful person; All have different connotations… A smile can script any narration, Transcend all languages; Make it your buddy Carry it with you always! Suja Ram

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