



"Always wear a smile",my mom always used to say.I agree with this.Smile is contagious,when one smiles others too smile.It helps to elevate the spirit and brings positivity. Once I had to speak in a public meeting.The audiance was huge.I remembered mom and did a namaskar with a wide smile.It enhanced my confidence and believe me the speech went well. Smile brings cheer.A smiling person remains healthy.Its the most precious thing God bestowed on us.Never shy out of it,the costliest ornament to brighten the face.

"Always wear a smile",my mom always used to say.I agree with this.Smile is contagious,when one smiles others too smile.It helps to elevate the spirit and brings positivity. Once I had to speak in a public meeting.The audiance was huge.I remembered mom and did a namaskar with a wide smile.It enhanced my confidence and believe me the speech went well. Smile brings cheer.A smiling person remains healthy.Its the most precious thing God bestowed on us.Never shy out of it,the costliest ornament to brighten the face.

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