Vidhya Thakkar

Vidhya Thakkar is a Freelance Digital Marketer, Blogger and Book Reviewer from Mumbai who works with Author's and Publishers for Marketing and promotions of their book,

What is the story behind the formation of Vidhya Thakkar? When was it founded? Who are the key members and how did all of this come together? What inspired you to start this?

Well, it all started when I discovered a Hashtag called Bookstagram on instagram. I already had a blog where I shared  poems and opinions, after discovering bookstagram, I started adding reviews on my blog as well! And that’s when the journey of bookstagram begin, in 2017! My love for books made me star this account.

Being a female entrepreneur, How difficult was it to build a firm like Vidhya Thakkar? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

There are so many! People try to pull you down as you grow, and that happened with me too. I was trolled for many things earlier, but as they say, ignorance is the bliss! I just focused on my journey and that’s when I am here today. 

Sharing Stories Community

What are some of the common mistakes done by authors during Book Publishing and Promotions?

Well, Research well about the person you are working with and give that person time to read the book. If you are in hurry for the review, things might not turn out well, give them time to read and discuss with them about the book. Also, be ready for honest opinions.

According to you what are the top 5 Book Promotion Ideas relevant today that provide maximum ROI and why?

Well, It’s a Blogger campaign for sure, as it increases the visibility of the books, along with Paid promotions (Ads) on social media and on Amazon. Influencers also play an important role here, the live sessions, Interviews work well, always. 

What are the key elements of a perfect book review and how should one go about writing a book review?

Well for me, the foremost is Simplicity! Anyone who reads your review should understand, what the book is about and can make their buying decision. And be honest with your review!

A simple, straightforward, medium-length reviews always work. Try to not reveal the story much and make it look exciting.

What are your favorite books by Indian Authors? And your Favourite Authors too?

It’s House of cards by Sudha Murty, Urmila by Smriti Dewan, Bramhakamal by Lalsa Verma, Take a chance on me by Sapna Bhog, A match made in Mehendi by Nandini Bajpai, Fetch your coffee by Kaustubh Sonalkar, Design your thinking by Pavan Soni.

Talking about authors –  Sudha Murty, Ruskin Bond, Anmol Malik, Perumal murugan, Devdutt Pattanik, Saiswaroopa Iyer, Jane borges, Nandini bajpai and many others.

Vidhya Thakkar Blogger

What are the top 3 differences between traditionally published books and self-published books?

I feel the brand name makes an impact and have wider access to the network in tradition publishing, also the Advance Royalties from traditional publishing. Whereas you need to spend on Self publishing.

As a book Influencer, what changes (trends) have you seen in the Indian Publishing and book Promotion Industry over the years?

Well, the industry has evolved a lot. With the powerful use of social media, and creative posts, the book promotion has been drastically changed.

In this journey of yours, whom would you like to thank?

Well, my parents for tolerating and making space for the books I get. The publishers and authors who trust me and have worked with me over the years and the friends I made in the online world who became part of the offline world as well, thank you for being there.

At Sharing Stories, we have an ongoing campaign ‘Let’s Empower Our Kids’. Please suggest some books which you think every child should read before the age of 15 (mostly the character-defining age) which will teach them life lessons. Things like empathy, sympathy, relationships, etc.

Well, Sudha Murty books – Grandmother bag of stories, grandparents bag of stories, daughter from a wishing tree, conversations between the little girl and the panda by Akriti Bhartia, How the earth got its beauty, The book of cultures.

sharing stories writing contest

Rapid Fire Round

1.Favorite Place, Actor & Actress, Person, Food, beverage….

Place- Mumbai,
Actor/Actress- Not a fan of anyone!

Person- My parents

Food – Pav Bhaji (Mumbai’s special) & North Indian food!

Beverage – Masala Tea always works!

2.Your First Love….

Family, food and books!

3.Favorite Quote…..

Passion Rules us All,  Grow through what you go through.


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