Andrea Jeremiah
Book Title : Broken Wing
Andrea Jeremiah is a leading Indian actress, playback singer and author. Her maiden book Broken Wing is a compilation of soothing poems. It depicts her whole life journey including love, loss and vulnerability. Her journey in the artistic world started as a playback singer and later she found that her long lost love is acting.

How and when did you first realize your calling for writing a poetry book, ‘Broken Wings’? Please, share some of your favorite lines from the collection. How long did it take you to complete the work?
I’ve always been a closet poet for as far as I can remember. But never really thought of being a published poet until I was invited to be a guest at the Bangalore Poetry festival. I’m a big believer in ‘signs from the universe’ so I took that to be a sign! The book is really just a personal collection of intimate poetry and it captures moments & moods from my life. There’s some lovely artwork as well, done by my cousin Sheena who is a nurse by profession but loves to paint. And it’s important to mention that the idea behind publishing the book was to raise funds for our charitable trust, ‘The Sofia Trust’ through which we support the education of under-privileged children.
How was the experience of writing and publishing your own maiden book? How different do you find writing as a medium of expression from other performing arts like acting or movie making?
I think writing is a far more personal medium of expression than acting or singing. When I act, it’s for the camera, when I sing, it’s for an audience, but when I write, it’s for myself. I also find writing to be a form of emotional catharsis, and that’s very important for someone like me. Having said that, being a part-time poet and full-time novelist/script-writer are two different things! Writing requires immense discipline especially because there’s no immediate gratification, and the process can be long, arduous and soul-searching. I’m now pushing myself to write more than poems and songs, I have a few ideas for scripts, maybe a book, and such things are far more challenging to execute.
Please share with us about your amazing journey from a playback singer to a leading actress and now, a poetess too?
Haha ! It would be unfair to call the journey amazing, it makes it sound easy and effortless. Perhaps, in some ways it was, in the sense, I never went after any of these things. But in many ways, being in the film industry has taken a lot out of me, as a person. It’s a gruelling job, not many people realise it. There are so many sacrifices to be made, right from lack of personal space and privacy, to the emotional turmoil an actor willingly puts himself/herself through in order to crack a certain role. Of course, the pay-off is insane, but it comes at a heavy price. Being a poet is not a job for me, I don’t depend on it to pay my bills. So it would be unfair for me to comment on that. I have the privilege of writing only because I want to, not because I have to.
If given a chance to pick up one social cause to write and be vocal about, what would that be and Why would you strongly advocate that cause?
Education! Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for life, that proverb says it all ! I am a strong advocate of change through education and awareness, it’s the only way you can really change someone’s life as well as the lives of their future generations. For example, if I educate my maid’s daughter, she has the choice of picking up a broom or a pen in order to make a living. She might make the same money being a secretary as she would being a maid, but at least she has the luxury of making a choice that her mother couldn’t. And as an educated woman, she will make sure her children are educated, probably in a better environment than her own, and just like that, by choosing to educate one person, you are shaping not just her life, but the lives of her children and grandchildren. I don’t think there could be anything more gratifying than that.
You are an acclaimed actress and playback singer. What is your secret mantra of handling pressure and criticism?
There is no secret mantra, over time, you just learn to focus on the important stuff and let the unimportant stuff go, though it’s a lot easier said than done ! Sometimes however, criticism is real and constructive, and at such times, it’s important to take note of it, because unless you’re open to criticism, there’s no space for growth. The pressure of this job never really goes away. The day of a film release is always going to be preceded by a sleepless night! However many times I get onstage, I still get butterflies in my stomach, and I’ve been doing this ever since I was a kid ! It’s not stagefright, it’s just part of the magic, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
What are the 5 books which everyone should read? Who are your top three favorite global and Indian authors?
Oh that’s a tough question! I think reading is a very personal habit and each person has the right to choose his/her reading material. But having said that, there are a few books that have changed my life and I would happily recommend them. Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead is one such book, it changed my outlook on life when I read it as an 18 year old. Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist is another gem, don’t be fooled by the simplicity of the language, the message of the book is so beautiful and sometimes, that’s far more important. Dalai Lama’s Freedom in Exile was my lockdown reading last year, the calmness with which he dealt with all the adversity & chaos comforted me through the chaos of our own times. Overstory is another book that I think everyone should read, because the message is so important and relevant for the times we live in. And now of course, I’m reading Sapiens, which I highly recommend. The sheer scope of the book is awe-inspiring, and it’s both elevating and humbling to realise the greatness & destruction that we the human race are capable of.
What 3 things did the Indian film Industry teach you over all these years that have helped you in your personal life?
For me, the most beautiful thing about being an actor is that I get to live out parallel lives on a single timeline. And the emotional & spiritual takeaway from that is immense and life-changing, it’s the single most important reason for me being an actor. Of course this doesn’t happen with every film, sometimes it doesn’t happen for a few years and then I find myself thinking about quitting, but then when it does happen, it changes everything. I’m grateful that I’ve had quite a few life-altering film experiences in my career- Annayum Rasoolum, Taramani, Vadachennai, Pisasu 2, all of these films have affected Andrea the person in some way, they are more than just films, they are life lessons.
What is that one message you would like to give to all the actors and budding writers?
Be authentic, stay true to yourself. This industry, like this world, will try to make you fall in line with what other people think. Don’t fall for it. The world needs more authenticity. I’ve always felt that art as a medium is so powerful, it has the power to shape the way an entire generation thinks. Use that power wisely.
Rapid Fire Round
Place – the beach
Actor – Jack Nicholson/Timothee Chalamet
Actress – Meryl Streep/Natalie Portman
Person– my dog Snow
Food – chocolate
Beverage – coffee
Quote – the woods are lovely dark & deep, but I have promised to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep – Robert Frost
Character from a book– Howard Roark
Newfound talent– baking!
First love – music
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