Ritu A Gulabani

Short Stories

Book Title :

We all aspire to have a king size life. While working for it, we forget to relish the existing beauty in our lives. We start considering our own life as negligent and petty as compared to those successful or seemingly successful around us. We often forget that ‘happiness inside’ can make us feel nothing less than an Angelina Jolie or a Matt Damon. As the name suggests- each story of the book tells you how a person or a situation, inspired and helped the writer to evolve and improve – as a human being. She is neither a famous personality nor a saint, just a person who loves to live a happy and fulfilled life. The book aims at inspiring small lives and securing happiness. There are 20 short real and inspiring stories. Read ‘how the writer has been inspired by her father, mother, grandmother, teachers, husband, relatives, friends, nurse and even her children and helped her become a woman of essence; some amazing synchronicities that happen in life and faith starts multiplying; some hidden relations and revelations of a blended family, wrapped up in love; about a dream house amidst nature in the interiors of paradise island of Bali; how the author worked on her curvy body image and gained back the confidence after two babies; how some people relish their silent acts of kindness; how the writer attracted innumerable miracles and good Samaritans in her life through her positive thoughts and also about amazing things done by an adopted dog of the family.’

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