How To Write A Book That Can Sell?

Writing a book is a dream for many in this age as books can educate and entertain readers uniquely.

To write a book was your decision. You may think you have the perfect idea for a book, but we’ll get to that. You may also have always wanted to write a book, but you’re not sure how to start.

Book writing involves many facets which have to be taken into account to sell your book unimaginably.

Steps To Be Followed To Write A Book That Sells

Have a successful writer’s mind

Each of us is battling a brilliant book concept. In truth, the majority of us have dreams about being authors. We envision the impact a bestseller will have on our lives, and how it will advance our professional lives. How it will elevate us to experts in a field we find interesting.

Start writing your thoughts

If you have a fantastic book concept, you should write it. That’s all there is to it. By keeping your work to yourself, you are not only failing to serve your future readers but also preventing yourself from realizing your full potential.

As you keep reminding yourself of why you are writing a book, you will remain inspired throughout the writing process.

Make your unique writing space

Before you even start writing any words on paper, you should take one of the most crucial steps in how to write a book. Spend some time creating a suitable writing environment to ensure that each writing session is fruitful. Your intention as you choose a location for writing is to reduce distractions and increase creativity.

Make use of any extra space you may have as your designated writing area. If not, look for a place that is cozy and as free from outside disturbances as you can.

Some prolific writers favor using public areas like coffee shops, libraries, or parks as their writing locales. Coffee shops’ ambient noise can help you stay focused while you write. You can avoid the distractions of your phone or writing your book at home by doing it in a library. In addition to providing you with healthy natural sunlight, being outside can be motivating.

Research the successful genre to write your way

The following stage is to explore your genre after you’ve identified your main idea. Once more, you’re already ahead of the game if you’re creating the kind of book you enjoy reading. The best method to learn how to write in your genre is, by far, to read novels in it. But if it doesn’t, you should pick a few representative titles and evaluate them.

What is their length, and how many chapters are there? What form does the narrative take? What principal themes emerge? Perhaps most crucially, do you believe you can write a book with similar components?

Sharing Stories CommunityRead the reader’s mind and their current trending read

To find out which books in your category are most widely read, you should also undertake market research on Amazon. These blockbusters must be overcome if you want your book to be a success. After that, examine the book’s blurbs to see what sells. What unifies them, and why may readers find them all appealing? Does your book live up to these expectations?

Lastly, consider how your book can provide anything new. Will there be a particularly cunning unreliable narrator in a psychological thriller, for instance, or perhaps a string of unexpected turns in the plot? Have you developed a particularly in-depth understanding of the topic if you’re writing a nonfiction book? and so forth.

The only way to give your book a shot in today’s fiercely competitive industry is to go above and beyond.

Summarize the story

You must first create an outline for your story if you want to write a superb one. This is especially crucial if it’s your first book because you’ll need a strong framework to fall back on if you get stuck. Because trust us, you will become trapped.

So how do you go about putting together that book outline? The essentials are listed below, but we have a whole other post on the subject.

  • Select a format that suits you. There are so many different kinds of outlines, including character-based outlines, chapter-and-scene outlines, free-flowing mind maps, and others. Try a different strategy if one doesn’t work for you.
  • A plan of any kind is preferable to none. It consists of a start, middle, and end. Too many writers start with a clear idea of how their novels should unfold, but their middles are cloudy, and their endings are nonexistent. Spend some time now developing them and making connections between them. Keep in mind that the best books have “earned” endings, therefore you should aim to do the same from the beginning!
  • Think about where you may be at odds. Any excellent book must have conflict to keep the reader interested, evoke tension and emotion, and ultimately represent the ideas and/or message you want to get through. Although you don’t have to anticipate exactly where your conflict will appear, you should be quite familiar with how it functions in your book as a whole.
  • Learn about your characters. If you haven’t developed your characters much yet, your outline is the ideal place to start. What interactions between your characters in the narrative will reveal about them and what is important to them?

Make your first draft for easy flow

Many authors hold that style, impressive vocabulary, complex phrases, and figurative language that would make Shakespeare swoon is the secret to crafting a fantastic book.

We’re here to convince you otherwise. Style is great as long as your prose doesn’t start to turn purple, but when writing a book, the substance is far more crucial. For this reason, you should pay close attention to your plot, characters, conflicts, and themes.

How To Draft Your Book Killer One?

It’s tempting to keep writing and fill the page with literary gymnastics when you reach a part that has sporadic outline guidance. However, the stuff here is merely filler. Additionally, if you use it excessively, readers will feel irritated and begin to view you as pretentious.

This is just another factor in the significance of outlining. To keep your tale on track, you must know it. Here are some other suggestions for prioritising substance in addition to outlining:

  • Each sentence must either develop the action or disclose a character. Kurt Vonnegut himself offered the following suggestion, which is quite accurate: consider deleting any sentences that don’t achieve any of those goals. Keep it out if the passage still makes sense.
  • Keep an eye on your pacing. A sign of too much explanation is a slow pace. You’re probably utilizing too much style and not enough substance if the plot of your novel seems to plod along like molasses.
  • To cut down on flowery jargon, use a writing tool. Speaking of outstanding American novelists, Hemingway is a superb resource for learning how to craft your works. Copy and paste your writing into the app, and Hemingway will offer advice on how to make your prose more succinct and impactful.

Best book tools for authors to write unique copy

We’ve already covered several tools that can facilitate your book-writing process. But don’t worry if you haven’t yet discovered the ideal app or application; there are many more where they came from.

Although we’ve already created a complete piece regarding book writing software, it’s still worthwhile to mention a couple of our favorites here:


For good reason, many authors prefer the downloaded version of Scrivener for their writing needs: it has an excellent user interface and a tone of helpful features. With its drag-and-drop system, you can format your book and plan its chapters. You can also create labels for components you want to keep track of. You can’t go wrong with Scrivener if you want to feel like a true professional, and you can test it out for free for 30 days.

The Milanote

Or Milanote can be useful if you don’t like outlines because your thoughts are disorganized. You can “mind map” just like you would longhand using the incredibly versatile interface, and you can reorder the various sections however you choose. You can see all of your notes at once when writing, so you won’t have to worry about forgetting anything. For all unorganized authors, it’s a very energizing, intuitive technique that’s worth a shot.

The Reedsy Editor Book

One of the coolest word processing, editing, and formatting tools available just had to be included! Putting jokes aside, the RBE enables you to neatly format your book as you go so that you can see how it develops. Additionally, you can include front and back matter sections and ask others to contribute to editing your work. Additionally, you have the option of turning on goal reminders to make sure you stick to your writing schedule. When you’re done writing, you can export the book’s files.

How to handle demotivation and disturbances while writing a book

It might be challenging to get into the book-writing rhythm. How do you maintain your writing routine and complete your book when there are a myriad of things to divert and demotivate you?

Beyond disturbances, drafting a book according to our ideas and thoughts is a bit difficult but one can write peacefully by having a clear structure of the book one is going to write beforehand. Demotivation is the culprit here to destroy the flow of writing. So to push the motivation away follow the below steps that many authors follow to draft their dream copy.

  • List the factors that motivate your desire to write a book. One of the best ways to keep yourself motivated is to have a physical reminder of your genuine goal, so consider carefully: Do you want to convey a crucial message? Reach a specific demographic? Or are you just itching to share this particular tale? Make a list of all your justifications and keep it handy in case your motivation wanes.
  • To write with, find a partner. Another excellent technique to maintain motivation is to find a writing partner. In addition to giving you a sense of camaraderie, this approach forces you to work hard and not take yourself too seriously. Ask your other writers whether they’d like to organize regular get-togethers or participate in an online writing forum. In the latter case, just be sure to include writing progress reports and other evidence that you’re truly writing!
  • At significant turning points, treat yourself. The possibility of rewarding yourself can occasionally be the finest motivator. If this method of motivation works for you, set a goal, a deadline, and a reward for reaching it. For example, you might say, “If I can write 10,000 more words by the end of the month, I’ll go out for an amazing, fancy dinner with all my friends.” This kind of objective is also beneficial because you can mention it to your friends and that act in itself will hold you accountable.

How To Write A Short Story In 10 Simple Steps

Know the best writing process

You’ll undoubtedly become stuck, remember when we mentioned that? So, that’s what this phase is all about how to proceed when you run against a brick wall. All authors encounter obstacles from time to time, whether it is a tough plot hole, a wave of insecurity, or a simple lack of motivation.

Freewriting, character development, and even taking a shower that’s real advice! are just a few of the many ways to get beyond writer’s block. Here are some of the best methods we’ve discovered, though:

  • Check over your outline. This will remind you of any planned tale aspects that you may have forgotten, which can help you locate the missing component.
  • Consider writing practice. All you need is to start writing before diving back into your work.
  • With pals, discuss your experience. This is another fantastic task for your writing partner, but you can also discuss writer’s block with your non-writing buddies. It always helps to vent and get other people’s feedback when you’re having trouble.
  • Take a quick break and go on to something else. Yes, there are moments when it’s necessary to get up from the computer and clear your thoughts. But don’t wait for more than a day or two; otherwise, you’ll lose drive and momentum.

Most importantly, keep in mind to remain positive despite setbacks. It’s true as it may sound that the only way you can stop writing a book is if you, well, stop writing. You’ll get through this, so remain composed and carry on. Every day brings new opportunities.

Start writing and maintain a schedule

When writing your first book, research, outlining, and idea development are all essential steps. However, there may come a point where preparation turns into procrastination. It’s time to start composing your rough draft at some point.

This necessitates establishing reliable routines and efficient writing practices. You can increase your chances of success by following certain straightforward procedures. You should treat writing as your full-time job even if you aren’t Stephen King or J.K. Rowling. To stay on track, try setting daily word goals. Put writing time on your calendar so that you won’t forget to do it. Send updates to a friend or fellow author to hold you accountable.

Finalize the draft

It’s difficult to end a novel, and one of the most common mistakes authors do is to plot the third act poorly.  When you were outlining your book, maybe you had a good ending in mind or at least a few options. It won’t stop you from running through the ending, though, which is another danger associated with it.

The truth is that by the time you get to your book’s conclusion, you’ll probably be fatigued even if it’s a terrific one. Most likely, all you’ll want to do is rush through it.

Defy the impulse not to! Even when the story is almost over, your audience still wants well-thought-out writing and a steady rhythm throughout.

The conclusion should be given careful consideration. Again, ideally, you have been leading up to it the entire time; if not, think about how you might go back and add some foreshadowing. To see which endings work best, try adding a few. See what other people suggest for how your novel should end if you’re still stumped.

Feedback time from pals

If no one else enjoys what you’ve written, you may spend all day and all night writing to your heart’s delight and still wind up heartbroken. It’s vital to solicit as much input as you can on your work, early on, from a variety of sources.

Ask your friends and other authors to read a few chapters at a time to start. But don’t limit yourself to just those chapters; use their advice everywhere it applies.

After you’ve finished writing your book, you’re prepared for some more in-depth criticism. Think about hiring a beta reader to read your complete work and offer feedback. You could wish to pay an editor to provide you with expert advice as well.

Last but not least, we’ll state the obvious for all you obstinate authors out there: feedback is useless if you don’t listen to it. No one is trying to hurt you; they are only trying to help, so separate yourself from your ego and don’t take anything personally.

Publishing your stellar book

Finally, after much effort, you’ve written a first draft that has undergone a thorough editing process based on feedback, of course. You couldn’t be happier that your novel has reached its completion. What follows then?

Publishing your stellar copy to your readers!

Of course, publishing requires another difficult process. However, if you’ve travelled this far to learn how to write a book, you can do just about anything! Spend money on a standout cover, learn about marketing, or start crafting an alluring query letter that will result in an offer.

Whichever path you choose, one thing will always be true: you’ve published a book, which is an amazing accomplishment.

Sell your stellar book

This step-by-step manual can assist new authors in getting past the frightening aspects of book writing, enabling them to maintain concentration and unleash their creativity.

There are countless explanations for why individuals write. Everyone who writes has their reasons for doing so. Some people do it because it fulfils their cerebral demands, while others do it out of love or because they are skilled at it.

It might be challenging to create a full book, especially for beginning authors. It necessitates diligent labor, ferocious ambition, and strict discipline. Even for bestselling authors, beginning the first page might be the most difficult part of the writing process. But producing a book is a goal that is reachable if you take small steps.

Empowering Kids

To Conclude…

Some people use writing as a way to keep a record of their life experiences. These incidents are either made public or left behind for the loved ones after they have been documented. Keeping a journal is a terrific method to keep track of your life’s experiences and help future generations by collecting and compiling them.

The written word is a great way to communicate ideas. Books have been a vehicle for the dissemination of political, intellectual, and religious ideas for hundreds of years. They have had a significant social impact as well.

Revolutions have occurred as a result of the written word. The medium of literature is a great way to express your viewpoint.

In today’s society, many people read for inspiration. Millions of people a day improve their lives and find happiness thanks to self-help books.

Telling a story is probably the simplest motivation for writing a book. The purpose of over half of all books is entertainment. Write a full-length novel if you have a narrative to tell. You can find a variety of recommendations on the Internet to assist you in telling your narrative as effectively as possible.

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