Azeem Uddin
Book Title : Unbelievable Transformation
Azeem Uddin is a young author & a research-led who believes that "everything is in our hands, we can make our life ridiculously amazing". "Trust & believe in yourself" is Azeem's career mantra. He is a working professional in the corporate world. Azeem has written seven research papers that are published in well-reputed International journals. He has also presented them at International conferences. He has been awarded the Chancellor’s Trophy for the overall noteworthy performance at the University. Azeem has written & published three books & received a fair amount of appreciation for his efforts. His books are- "Deep Realization", "Perfect goodness of ghost" & "Unbelievable Transformation". He is also a contributory author of three more books. The love of books made him an avid reader & the love of reading worthwhile stuff inspired him to write. Azeem's journey as an author has just begun & he's trying to put his sincere efforts into writing meaningful content for the readers. He has ambitious plans to write diversified content falling in different genres.

“Sometimes, we do not get a chance to thank each one who has helped us in our Journey.” Let the readers get a chance to know about all the important people who have played a part in this ‘Author Journey of Yours’.
Yes absolutely, we should be embracing gratitude to all the people who help us in our certain journey of learning & development. As far as my “Author Journey” is concerned, I would like to extend my heartfelt thankfulness to my entire family, friends & readers for their benevolent support, unconditional blessings, constructive guidance & honest feedback. Moreover, I am also indebted to all my educators who enlightened my learning path.
As writing is a hard job that requires consistent efforts, I think I could be able to publish these three books because all these people mentioned above acted as a cheerleader to me.
Touchwood! God gave me the inner strength & courage to accomplish these milestones.
When and how did the idea of writing a book “Unbelievable Transformation” come to you? Can you tell us a bit about your books? Who is your favourite character from any of your books?
“Unbelievable Transformation” is an urban fantasy & a thrilling tale of suffering & survival. When I was done with my first two books, I determined myself to come up with a very distinguished & unexplored idea & storyline. As I am a travel-enthusiast & a nature-lover too, I brainstormed & then this storyline popped up in my mind. However, I had some plots in my mind from the initial time itself but I was not having enough time to ponder. Then, Covid-19 hit & the thick black clouds of lockdown surrounded us. So, I made the most out of it & produced this gothic fiction.
When it comes to selecting genre, I think we should go with two factors- Interest & scope. All my three books are having different genres-
- Deep Realization- An emotionally-charged story
- Perfect goodness of ghost- A crime-thriller & a gothic fiction.
- Unbelievable transformation- An urban fantasy.
Deep realization is an emotionally-charged story of self-transformation.
Perfect goodness of ghost is a gothic fiction with supernatural elements presenting a message of forgiveness.
My favourite character is from the book- Perfect goodness of ghost & that is Mr. Hover Shemp through which the message of forgiveness & righteousness has been portrayed in the story. Moreover, It’s a humorous character too & I loved creating this one.
According to you which are the 5 books, everyone should read and who are your top 3 Authors and what impact they had in your journey as a writer?
My recommended books are-
a)The Alchemist by Paul Coelho.
b)The art of being grateful & other stories by Manali Desai.
c)One arranged murder by Chetan Bhagat.
d)SouganDilli by Sougand Akbarian.
e)Unbelievable transformation by Azeem Uddin.
All these 5 books are really worth reading & impactful.
My favourite top 3 authors are William Shakespeare, Paul Coelho & Chetan Bhagat.
Their written compositions are really worth-imbibing & understandable. Moreover, for the new writers as well, it would be great to pick up their books for better understanding of character-development, plot-analysis, imagery, visualisation etc.
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers?
No, presently I am a working professional in the corporate world. I am not finding time for a new composition. However, I have few plots in my mind but the first draft is still yet to accomplish. For sure, I will be keeping my readers’ posted about the progress of my next book.
Having written various research papers as well as books at a very young age, when and how did your interest in writing developed?
On a personal level, my authordom journey has been all about consistent efforts, appropriate brainstorming & thoughtful thinking & of course sheer hard work. Being academically-sound right from my schooling days, I was fascinated by books & I have always appreciated the nuances of literature. Now, I am grinning from ear to ear & superfluously thrilled to bits that all my books see the light of the day. I strongly believe in presenting the story with a jaw-dropping twist & in conveying deep messages with a lifelong meaning.
I think when I started writing & publishing research papers, that was the turning point in my life. I got acquainted to technical writing & then I switched to creative/fiction writing processes. However, becoming a published author has always been one of my many dreams.
Could you share a few tips for the Budding Authors?
Few workable & realistic tips & tricks for aspiring authors are-
a)Say NO to procrastination.
b)Know your rhythms & schedules.
c)Don’t use unnecessary or irrelevant descriptions.
d)Don’t copy-paste from any source.
e)Don’t let your inner critic win.
f)Put tools in place to help you.
g)Protect your self-image by writing in unfamiliar genres.
h)Get an accountability partner.
What inspired you to start your own IGTV show- MEET & GREET? Let us know the brief about it.
Meet & greet- Getting chatty with Azeem is a self-proclaimed virtual show where we invite high-calibrated or passionate people to listen to their success stories & to create necessary awareness. It was started in Nov. 2020 & till now we have covered 130+ episodes.
The ultimate objective is wisdom-acquisition & knowledge-sharing & it’s open for any goal-oriented & self-driven person. We often perform strategy-management & effective delegation to ensure certain changes & upgradements to the show. Currently, we are running season-3. Recently, we have also started Knowledge-based sessions or agenda-based sessions just to share certain real life-skills to lead a more meaningful & fulfilling life.
People from all walks of life including doctors, engineers, actors, artists, educators, entrepreneurs, life coaches, influencers, authors, etc. are more than welcome.
I am incredibly grateful for the overwhelming response from people.
Still, miles to go ahead.
Tell us a bit about your family, likes, and dislikes as a person.
I am a compulsive optimist person, philanthropist & bestselling author. I believe in planning & execution. I always try to achieve self-actualization, self-regulation & self-management.
My family comprises of 4 members excluding me- my parents & my brother- sister-in-law. I have been born & brought-up in a very disciplined & etiquetted environment where harmonious relationships & human values are ensured to the fullest. I dislike fake people, toxic relationships, criticism & complaining attitude.
How can a writer keep the mental block or writer’s block away from his/her creativity?
People write books to enlighten, educate, inspire, inform & entertain, to boost their credibility, to share a definite message, to teach & serve others, to have a business card & to build a local business & for the sake of contentment. Well, for me literary success happens when readers can relate my lifelong messages of my books in their own personal life to get better & I think that is the true spirit of literature.
As a part of this process, writers’ face writers’ block or blank-page syndrome. Some below-mentioned sure-shot tricks could be beneficial-
- Take a temporary halt from your writing task.
- Ask people for honest feedback- use show & tell concept.
- Review your genre, plot & characters.
- Research for relatable sequences.
- Be inquisitive, explorative & industrious.
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Rapid Fire Round
1. Favorite Place- Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Actor- Shahrukh Khan
Actress- Yami Gautam
Food- Barbecue chicken
Beverage- Virgin Mojito
2. Your First Love- Mother
3. Your other Talents than writing- Public speaking, art & craft.
4. Favorite Quote- “Live life to the fullest”.
5. Favorite Character from a book- “Bishop” from “The Bishop’s Candlesticks”.
What if Round
1. What if you had to live with only three things all your life, what would the three things be?
Parents, self-discipline & work.
2. What if you were given the power to change one thing from this world, what would you change?
Would be doing certain changes in the education system.
3. What if you had all the money in this world, what would you do first?
For me, the wise use of money primarily would be for human-welfare & generosity.
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