Sunny Rampal

Book Title : Inspire To Inspire

Sunny Rampal is an inspiration in himself and a motivational speaker of sorts. He has authored this book with the help of his handwritten diary which contains proverbs, poems and thoughts right from his school days. Having a work experience of over 19 years, it has been nothing but a rollercoaster ride. Starting as a call centre representative, to being a banker, to being a flight attendant and a blogger and tarot card reader by passion. The sky is the limit for his experiences in life. Dealing with over 500 odd people in a day to staying alone with thoughts has been his biggest strength so far. He lived in different cities and was part of the evacuation of Indians from the warzone (Libya 2011 and Yemen 2015 ). Ever since Sunny has been involved in writing tarot card readings for various travel magazines and the latest one being for Hodophile Guide Magazine. Blogging did open quite a few avenues in his life, although it's out of passion. His experiences and way to look at life are different; hence, many of his close friends and a few acquaintances find solace in him. His ultimate dream is to be a TEDx speaker one day until then let’s go with the flow of words and enjoy the sneak peek into his journey.

“Sometimes, we do not get a chance to thank each one who has helped us in our Journey.” Let the readers get a chance to know about all the important people who have played a part in this ‘Author Journey of Yours’

Well I would like to thank everyone who has been instrumental in the process of me transforming into an author. Most importantly my parents Dr Guru Sharma and Kim Sharma who have always stood by me no matter what the situation be. My sister Shruti for supporting me in the journey of me writing. My nephew Jai who has always pushed me by giving me the most honest and blunt inputs on my writing. As he makes sure to let me know, even if it’s upsetting and that’s really helpful at times. The two mentors Suchitha and Binti, without them the balance between being a professional and an author would have been complicated. They have shown me how my real life experiences are actually life time lessons. Lastly all the readers who have encouraged me by buying that first book to support me to do even better. 

When and how did the idea of writing a book come to you? Can you tell us a bit about your book ‘Inspire to Inspire’? Who is your favourite character from the book?

I have been writing since as long as I remember. It came naturally to me because I have always been a story teller. Once as a child I heard that people write down what they are going through and they felt better about it later. This though remained with me and when I moved to Chennai for work, there were times I wouldn’t want to talk to people and felt the need to be left alone. That was the time I would write down what I felt and trust me on this it really made me feel better. My book ‘Inspire to Inspire’ is all about a life experience and how one can unlearn the learnt and be a better person. We need to be happy in order to make our surroundings happy. My favourite character from the book is the person who is reading the book, as it starts to reflect on the person and you catch the vibe. 


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According to you which are the 5 books that everyone should read and who are your top 3 Authors and what impact did they have in your journey as a writer?

The 5 books that everyone should read are

-‘Power of Your Subconscious Mind’ by Dr Joseph Murphy

-‘Bitter Chocolate’ by Pinki Virani

-‘A Curious Incident of Dog in the Night Time’ by Mark Haddon

-‘Factotum’ by Charles Bukowski 

-‘Salem’s Lot’ by Stephen King

I don’t have any top 3 authors pre say, as I love reading from a variety of books and it can be anyone who creates an impact on your mind. I have learnt quite a bit from authors of different genres I like to mix the way I read and love to surprise myself ones in a while.

What made you passionate about tarot card reading? How and when did you start following your passion?

I had always felt that there is a calling from somewhere else the other part of the universe. When the unknown start getting known to you. Right from a young age I would get up from sleep and remember the whole dream, later I developed a habit of writing it come and reading it. Then a realisation stuck me that I need to put all my intuitiveness in building a positive environment around me and that’s how once I saw a deck of Tarot cards in Oxford Bookstore, Kolkata back in 2007 and it was like my calling. I knew it then and there this is for me. Since then I have successfully helped many people in finding their calling or else simply help them see the right pact and claim their part of happiness. 

What has been your most cherished experience as an author? Are there any difficulties and challenges faced by you during the research period?

For me the way I could see myself as a total different person and experience life as an outsider from my own self is the most cherished experience as an author. What I mean is when you start writing, you realise there are so many things that you didn’t think about otherwise. An author can live anyone’s life and die anyone’s death. He has the ability to make everything his own, it gives you the power to over write your heart and let your mind take over. Well, since I self-published my book the biggest difficulty was to find the proper medium to publish. So many questions were unanswered. So many doors were closed. For an author, is becomes like a self-discovery, a road less travelled. However, every step towards hitting the finish button becomes worth a while. It’s like giving birth and putting your child out there for everyone to see. Something that everyone should do who has the slightest of creative nerve to create. The biggest high as an author was when I got verified on Google, as one. 


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Could you share a few tips for budding Authors and aspiring writers?

Oh yes. There is so much to share. I mean I can write another book altogether on the same. All I can say is believe in yourself inside out. Yes, it’s one of the most important thing to do. Believe that you can do it, if not today maybe tomorrow but you will do it for sure. Create a target. Tell yourself I am going to finish what I started by so and so time. Give yourself a deadline. Keep yourself motivated enough. Like we say keep yourself hydrated, yes something like that for sure. If you can’t find the inspiration then look for it harder. If you could start something you might well as end it. Push yourself, as the end result will only make you sit back and wonder how you did it.  According to me there is no writers block, it’s just your brain wanting to relax for a while. Keep treating yourself with every milestone you keep achieving while writing. Enjoy the process as it will happen only once with the book that you’re working on and finally keep surprising yourself. 

How can a writer keep the mental block or writer’s block away from his/her creativity?

Like I mentioned earlier I don’t believe there is anything known as writer’s block, it’s just your brain wanting to relax for a while. As a writer don’t stop yourself when the flow is on. As far as words are coming out of you, do not stop at any cost. Do not tell yourself that it’s okay I’ll continue later. Later never comes. Be sure of yourself. Keep writing, keep going. Read whatever you wrote, when you don’t feel like writing. It’s okay to relax a bit. Push yourself when the creative flow is on but do not push yourself when you feel stuck. Look around all the time for inspiration. Have someone to read and give you feedback, so you can rewrite and improve your craft. Be open to honest reviews, as only those will help you. You can flatter yourself once you are done. Lastly a very important tip celebrate your success no matter how big or small it might be. Everything is worth it. 

Are you working on anything at present that you would like to share with your readers? What are your future plans?

Well, I don’t like to discuss anything before its ready. I would want to wait and watch. The best plan is to not have a plan. I do have something in mind but it’s premature to discuss. One thing that I can say is it will be different from my pervious book. I want to push myself creatively and like I said would love to surprise myself in the process. Just a hint, something on the lines of tarot. 

Please share with us, your experience as a motivational speaker and a blogger.

I believe one has to be motivated enough to motivate others and that’s the essence of my book ‘Inspire To Inspire’ in short. There were times I felt low and rejected but I realised by me being despondent with someone else will in turn make me more despondent. The other person and I would be in the same boat. The other issue would be the boat would be destined to sink. Always remember it’s a big commitment being a motivational speaker. You need to stay focused all the time. It’s really wonderful to be able to touch so many lives. I would say take each day at a time. The idea is to keep moving in the right direction. Blogging happened by chance for sure. I was toying with the idea of becoming an author one day and kept penning down my thoughts hence, started my first blog site. One thing lead to another and from writing food reviews to fashion to travel to product it kept on becoming exciting. The journey of a blogger mostly translates into becoming a writer and that is exactly what happened in my case.


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 Rapid Fire Round

1. Favourite Place  – It would be Florence, Italy 

Actor & Actress – Jude Law and Tina Fey

Person – My mother Kim Sharma 

Food – Korean Food

Beverage – anything and everything to do with Coffee. 

2. Your other Talents apart from writing and Tarot reading

I love acting and creating short videos on various platforms recently got verified on MxTakaTak for the same.  Had being anchoring chats on social audio apps like Fireside.

3. Your First Love…

Well, it was so many years back that I would rather leave it there.

4. Favourite Quote….

“When life gives you lemons, make grape juice, then sit back and let people wonder how you did it.” — Priyanka Chopra

5. Favourite Character from a book…

It has to be undoubtedly Christopher Boone from ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time’. He is fifteen and has Asperger’s syndrome, he has great knowledge about maths and is quite bright but knows very less about human beings in general.


What if Round 

1. What if you had to live with only three things all your life, what would the three things be?

If I have to live with only three things it would be Roti, Kapda and Makkan. Well seriously it would be unlimited WIFI, Laptop and creative mind. 

2. What if you were given the power to change one thing from this world, what would you change?

I would like to change the false attitude with which people live. As I am sure it would automatically create a better world to live in.

3. What if you had all the money in this world, what would you do first?

Well, it’s a trick question but I guess I would buy myself an island and give the remaining money to people and get everyone equal status to start over.


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