Where were Atthai ,Maama ,Lakshmi wondered ,crestfallen
by the locked door, eyes downcast ,taking in slowly the
bedecked street ,marigold blooms,noisy crackers, the
aroma of cardamom and sweet pongal, then it dawned ,
today mere mortals would witness the celestial wedding of
Andal with the Lord. Behold the chariot swaying like a
majestic elephant bearing the radiant idols, borne in turn
by the tanned shoulders of the devout devotees ,followed
by the pious priests tailed by women in splendorous silks
Tiredness and hunger vanished ,she leaned, eager to catch
a glimpse, fingering her green bangles, her cheeks ablush
Next month Narayanan would be back with gold bangles
and his seraphic smile; she had languished long pining ,
It was time now to drape the silks and jasmine flowers,her
earrings danced keeping pace with her thumping heart