Samiksha Tulika Ransom


Book Title :

The Blue Sky and I is Samiksha’s debut anthology of existential poems that deal with the ‘here and now’ of human existence and everything that comes with it. The themes range from anxiety, conflict between the individual and the society, mental health, personal pain to strength in weakness, conflict resolution, hope, healing, and eventually, a radical personal redemption. Her poems are highly conversational, brutally honest, un-apologetic and un-decorated. Like open wounds, they plainly and unashamedly speak of personal pain. Nevertheless, they are also a celebration of existence, just as it is; sometimes terribly painful, sometimes joyous, but always; always purposeful. The poems although personal, have a ring of universality; embracing and addressing human issues at large, making her poems relatable where the reader discovers some part of her/his own unrevealed self; where s/he finds herself/himself talked to.

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