Rakshan Pandian

Biography, Romance

Book Title :

Chronaethion, a once beautiful land filled with diverse beings, plenty of natural resources, castles, and most importantly abundance of time to enjoy it all. That is until the dreaded Timekeeper’s hands fell on it. Considerable damage has been wrought lending a certain dreariness and bleakness to the once glorious landscape and time has been irrevocably warped, meaning that people’s pace of biological aging is not in sync with their mental aging anymore. Some people age faster and some age way slower, while others have stopped aging altogether, practically making them immortal in a sort of way. Prince Ash and his sister princess Ruby belong to the second category of beings afflicted by time distortion; their mental growth is far ahead of their physical aging. On a perfectly normal day, when the prince and princess question royal authority, their father, the ill-advised King under the influence of the court’s sly and scheming fool, banishes them along with their young guardians, Ginger and Millie. Seeing their predicament a peculiar cat-like boy, meets them and promises to help them win their way back to their homeland. In return he expects their help to rid the land of the Timekeeper’s control. This boy with a mysterious past calls himself Time. As the story progresses so does Ash’s feelings for the leader of the rebellion, Ren, a gritty and brave girl with a ruthless streak. Thus the prince, princess and their guardians under the guidance of Time, set out on a thrilling quest to complete a set of challenging tasks, that will take them closer to their goal of freeing the land from the clutches of the Timekeeper. In the process they traverse different places, encounter quirky characters and situations, one more tricky, edgy and dangerous than the earlier, finally leading to a perilous confrontation that will decide the fate of them all.

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