Daisy Bala


Book Title :

Blossoms and Foliages is a bouquet of poetry made of blooms and nature’s bounty, condensed into words dripping with crisp freshness and nature’s vivaciousness. It’s my maiden attempt in the book writing sojourn and quite an ethereal one. I enjoyed jotting down my ramblings and monologues in this fresh pick. The poems revolve around the kaleidoscope of seasons, the mid-summer blooms, watching the daisies grow, ushering fall colors and frozen icicles. The verdant foliage, rayed orbs and dappled lights inspired me to gather my floral monologues, intact with the aesthetic juices of nature’s vibrancy. Hope you can drink through your eyes and smell the bluebells as you linger with this poetry bouquet. And it revs you up too!!

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