Waiting near the front door

 Waiting  near  the  front  door
Rushing  from  the  office,  after
a hectic workload, reached home earlier  than usual
only  to see the door  locked  from  outside.
She  stood there, with her handbag 
in  hand, carrying  a barren  heart 
and  hollow  head, without knowing
how long  she  has  to  stand  there;
Oh!  she  didn’t  take the house key  with her.
Long garlands are hanging on either side of the door,
for  her  son’s and daughter’s  wedding  at night.
She felt thirsty  and hungry  and had  bad  headache
Alas! things  made worse  as there are neither neighbours
nor tea shops nearby, to drink or eat something.
Never carried  water bottles, now  no drop to drink  
Knocked and knocked the door, she heard no answer .
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